Archangel Uriel Message: Changes in Your Memory
“Dear Friends,
I am Archangel Uriel. You know me as the one who heals the mind.
I come to you now to speak about something that is a side effect of the current body rebirth that is occurring in your world.
Your body carries a spiritual being within, and it is this spiritual being that is being rebirthed right at this moment.
Some are reporting that they are having difficulty with memory functions and I see that this is connected to the body rebirth that you are in.
Your memory has many connections to the different parts of your etheric mind and etheric body.
And your etheric mind also has memory that is currently affected by your rebirth.
My hope is that you will be patient with your own memory recall at this time, and not take hasty action in seeking medical attention.
Please know that your memory is still in tact and will remain in place during the rebirth.
I will be speaking further on how I see the rebirth affecting your mind at our next gathering.
Until then, know that you are well and cared for.
In Peace,
From Jen: I'll be bringing through messages and info this weekend (11.10.18) from the Archangels on an online gathering: Messages and Updates from the Archangels All are invited to attend. :-)