How to Connect with Your Angels
Your angels have a new way for you to connect with them. It’s very simple and they’re asking that everyone do this as soon as possible so that they can guide you in deeper and meaningful ways of living.
The remedy for angel connection is this: Just say, “Angels, please connect with me now.” This invites your angels to connect with you on the soul level, which is what they need to affect greater healing and change in your life.
Once you’ve made this request, your angels will let you know that they’ve made this deeper connection with you by giving you a sign or symbol in the physical world.
Your angels are always sending you information and guidance through others and through signs and symbol in this world.
One way to ensure that you receive their messages is to ask your angels to always use the same sign or symbol to get your attention. For instance, you can ask your angels to always use the number sequence of “444” to get your attention and they will. You can also ask your angels to always use the angel sign of a feather to get your attention and they will.
These are the two most common ways that your angels can get your attention to let you know that they’ve made a deeper, soul-level, connection with you.
You can also ask your angels to speak to you through your own thoughts and feelings to communicate that this deep connection has been achieved.
You can also use this angel remedy for your family and friends. Just say, “Angels, please connect Cyndi with her angels now” and if Cyndi would like this angelic connection for herself, it will happen.