How to Work with Light for Yourself and Others

How to Work with Light for Yourself and Others

Sending light to others is one way to heal and uplift another person’s energy.  The term “Light” refers to spiritual light, which comes from the spiritual dimensions. 

Spiritual light can hold many different vibrations and a “vibration” means a feeling or experience. 

When light is sent to the Earth, it can be pure light or vibrating light.  Vibrating light is light that has one or more vibrations in it.

One vibrating light that’s frequently sent to Earth is called Healing Light.  Healing light can be absorbed by people, plants, trees, and animals.

When healing light enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it can also pick up the positive vibrations of that location, and many cities carry specific spiritual vibrations such as abundance, longevity, peace, ease, or fun. 


How Light Can Uplift You

There are many benefits to receiving light, and over time, it can cause your mind to expand, your heart to open, and your spirit to awaken.  When you receive vibrating light, your energy responds by vibrating faster; and faster vibrating energy leads to creating, enjoying, and doing more.  Your energy changes its vibration as you go through your day, and one way to raise your vibration is to receive light.

When your vibration rises, you become more like your Spirit—and living as your Spirit is the goal of many different paths of spiritual growth.



Meditation for Receiving Light

  1. Choose a location where you can comfortably sit for the next 20 minutes. You can sit cross-legged or with your feet on the floor – whichever feels most comfortable to your body.
  2. Begin quieting your mind by noticing the stillness of the room you’re in. 
  3. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. 
  4. Begin to visualize a large column of white light flowing down into the top of your head.  This is spiritual light.
  5. Guide the white light to fill your entire body.
  6. Notice how your body responds to the light.
  7. Continue seeing your body filled with light.
  8. Allow yourself to sit and receive this light for the next 15 minutes.
  9. When you’re done, come out of meditation and rub your feet on the floor to reground yourself.

 Meditation for Sending Light to a Person or Place

  1. Choose a location where you can comfortably sit for the next 20 minutes. You can sit cross-legged or with your feet on the floor – whichever feels most comfortable to your body.
  2. Begin quieting your mind by noticing the stillness of the room you’re in. 
  3. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. 
  4. Begin to visualize a large column of white light flowing down into the top of your head.  This is spiritual light.
  5. Guide the white light to fill your entire body.
  6. Allow the light to continue circulating through your body for the next few minutes.
  7. Begin thinking about the person or place you want to send light to. 
  8. Next, you can choose how you want to send light.  You can send it through your palms, or you can send it through visualizing the person or place and seeing them filled with white light.
  9. Continue sending them light for 15 minutes.
  10. When you’re done, refill your body with white light.
  11. When you feel full, come out of meditation, and rub your feet on the floor to reground yourself.
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