20 Little Prayers From The Angels
Light-Infused Prayers From The Angels
Many times I’ve been asked how to pray to God and the Angels.
I was discussing this with the Angels, and in response they offered these prayers for anyone to use.
The below prayers are infused with spiritual vibrations of light, which flow into you when you use these prayers.
The vibrations of light look like small sparkles of white light that flow down into your chakras, body, and energy when you use one of these prayers.
You can say these prayers out loud or in your thoughts, and you can repeat them as often as you like.
Once you've used a prayer, notice how your thoughts and feelings begin to shift.
Allow yourself to be guided, and to follow the signs that appear around you.
Prayer for Children
Dear God and Angels, thank you for sending light to my children. Please clear my children of unwanted vibrations and fill them with light. Please align them with their true lifepath and bless them with peace.
Prayer For Emotional Health
Dear God and Angels, please uplift my emotions. Please fill my emotions with light and peace. Please guide me in feeling enjoyment and stability. Thank you for sending me blessings of love, peace, and joy.
Prayer For The Earth
Dear God and Angels, thank you for uplifting the Earth. Please harmonize the Earth’s energy and release unwanted vibrations. Thank you for sending blessings of peace, joy, and light to Earth.
Prayer For Employment
Dear God and Angels, please uplift my employment. Thank you that I am in the best employment for myself and that I feel comfortable, appreciated, and respected. Thank you for sending me blessings of peace, prosperity, and wealth.
Prayer For Financial Enhancement
Dear God and Angels, please enhance my finances. Please place your light into all my financial accounts and please send financial blessings to me. Thank you that my finances are abundant, consistent, and strong.
Prayer For Friends
Dear God and Angels, thank you for uplifting my friends. Thank you for helping my friends to support one another. Please send them blessings of light, peace, and love.
Prayer For Friendship
Dear God and Angels, please send new friends into my life. Please cleanse and heal my experience of friendship. Thank you for sending blessings of friendship harmony, friendship peace, and friendship longevity into my life.
Prayer For Happiness
Dear God and Angels, please uplift my happiness. Please cleanse me of energies and experiences that hinder my happiness. Thank you for sending me blessings of happiness, light, and ease.
Prayer For a Healthy Family
Dear God and Angels, please send light into my family. Please assist my family in adjusting to the vibration of peace. Please guide my family in creating health and harmony. Thank you for sending blessings of peace, ease, and harmony into my family.
Prayer For a Healthy Marriage
Dear God and Angels, please shine light on the positive experiences of my marriage. Please help me to heal any disruptions in my marriage. Thank you for sending my marriage blessings of peace, hope, and harmony.
Prayer For Healthy Relationships
Dear God and Angels, please uplift my relationships. Please set my relationships to the vibration of peace. Thank you for sending me blessings of relationship awareness, relationship peace, and relationship longevity.
Prayer for Home
Dear God and Angels, thank you for uplifting my home. Please clear my home of lower vibrations. Thank you for raising the vibration of my home to the vibration of peace. Please send blessings of health, comfort, and light into my home.
Prayer For Humanity
Dear God and Angels, thank you for uplifting Humanity. Thank you for releasing unwanted vibrations from Humanities energy. Thank you for sending blessings of peace, light, and health to Humanity.
Prayer To Live Your Life Purpose
Dear God and Angels, please shine light on my life purpose. Please guide me in living my life purpose with ease. Thank you for sending me blessings of purpose, focus, and confidence.
Prayer For Mental Health
Dear God and Angels, please uplift my mind. Please fill my mind with light and peace. Thank you for sending me blessings of mental peace, mental focus, and mental balance.
Prayer For The Oceans
Dear God and Angels, thank for helping Humanity align with the Oceans. Please help Humanity care for the Oceans with love and understanding. Please send blessing of health, clarity, and light into our Oceans.
Prayer For Pets
Dear God and Angels, thank you for uplifting my pet(s). Thank you for sending health and healing to my pet(s). Please send blessings of health, happiness, and harmony to my pet(s).
Prayer For Physical Health
Dear God and Angels, please uplift my physical health. Please send healing, adjustment, and upliftment to my physical body. Thank you for sending me blessings of health, light, and comfort.
Prayer For Spiritual Health
Dear God and Angels, thank you for uplifting my spiritual health. Thank you that I am now aligned with my true spiritual beliefs. Thank you for sending me blessings of spirituality, faith, and light.
Prayer For Unemployment
Dear God and Angels, I invite you into my life. Please guide me in finding employment and thank you for sending me blessings of faith, income, and peace. Thank you that I am now employed, feeling safe, and doing well.
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©Jen Dundee www.TheAngelsMessages.com